anyway the weather is amazing at Alex during the daytime on the beach so the Temperature in July varies between 32 to 38 C at Alexandria at the daytime but at night it Varies between 22 to 26C, and in Cairo it may increase between 2 to 3C at daytime and sometime it reach 40C in Cairo.
Anyway Alexandria extends about 32 km along the coast of the Mediterranean sea and it far from Cario about 250 Km by the desert road.
There are a lot of Beachs at Alexandria and the Most famous and old Beachs and good to spend some fine times in Alex is 3 beaches
First one El Montaza beach:
El Montaza beach is a part of a small area surrounded by walls and doors Called El Montza or (el Montaza garden) this area has been a reat house for the king Farouk called Montaza Royal Palace . so if you go inside the Montaza you will find the green Area with palms tree and one Hotel called Helnan Palestine. but to enter the Montaza you must pay about 5 pounds this fees from 2007 but now i don't know how much exactly it may still 5 LE or raised a maximum about 2 or 3 pounds. and to Enter the beach you must pay too but hot much i can't remmber but it between 15 to 20 L.E Anyway i'm Sure that you will Enjoy your time at EL Montaza Gardens.
Here is some Pic of El Montaza :
1) El Montaza main entrance gate

2) El Montaza Palace.

3) El Montaza palace.

Second one Paradise beach (Shatea' EL fardous):
This beach locate in El Agami Area it is a private beach and this beach is far from down town about 20 K.m, El Agami Area called the North Coast.
Third one Porto Marina:
Marina, also known as Marina El Alamein is a village located on the northern coast of Egypt, with a 11 km long beach. It is about 300 km away from Cairo .
At the End i wish i gived you a little useful information about Alexandria and i wish kokily Month (July) come as soon as possible and please people who read this post Tell kokily month to Come ('';) as soon as possible, so you can give a comment